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Bókun website: Google Page Speed troubleshooting

Learn how to troubleshoot issues related to Google Page Speed and make sure that your website ranks high.

While we wish every website we run would always rank high, it’s not something we can guarantee. Due to the flexibility the website builder provides you with, e.g. adding your own code, content and designs, there are some scenarios in which Bókun websites will not score in the high 90s.

In this article you will find information about common issues reported from Google Page Speed to us and how to resolve them.

By adding the Advanced Website Upgrade app, you can adjust Google Page Speed for your website. Get more information about the Advanced Website Upgrade app by visiting Bókun App Store.


Images not optimized

Images may not be optimized due to size or file type, which can negatively impact page speed.



  • The Bókun Website Builder’s image optimization works only on JPG & PNG images. If you are uploading a TIFF, GIF, or other image formats, the Bókun Website Builder might not be able to optimize it. If this is the case, we recommend running the image through an image optimization service, such as EzGif, or TinyPNG.
  • Resize large images by downloading, resizing in photo editing software, and re-uploading

Note: While the website editor optimizes images to make sure they're compressed at a smaller size, it doesn't actually resize your image for you in the desktop version of your site. In these cases, you will need to resize in photo editing software and re-upload.


Page Too Large

If you have a lot of content on one page, it can load slowly even after we run the optimization tool on your site.


  • Consider using fewer images or dividing up your content and moving to other pages.


Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS in Above-the-fold Content

If you place a map element at the top of your website, a storefront above the fold, custom code/script in the header, or embed a custom iframe into a website above the fold.


  • Move the map element to the bottom of the page
  • Move the store element lower on the page
  • Place the code in the body-end.html file or make sure the script is loaded asynchronously (see Note below)
  • Move the embedded iframe lower down the page or remove it completely.

Tip: Add an image and helpful text above the store element, so that the store itself is not in the "above the fold" area of the website.